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Schedule a session with Sara Cherem



US $100

Sara Cherem

Clinical psychologist and family medical therapist, specialist in Mindfulness and addiction treatment. She has 15 years of experience in private practice and in hospital medical psychotherapy. She bases her orientation on an integrative, biopsychosocial and spiritual model, strengthening the patient's resources and providing practical tools that promote well-being and awareness.

Licenciatura en Psicología, Universidad Anahuac Maestría en Psicoterapia de Pareja, AMETEP - Asociación Mexicana de Terapia de Pareja Especialidad en Adicciones. Centro de Estudios Superiores Monte Fénix Terapeuta Médico Familiar, Hospital Ángeles Lomas Instructora de Mindfulness, MWB - Mindfulness Without Borders