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Building and Strengthening Our Shalom Bait

The relationship between man and woman in marriage is the ideal space to improve ourselves. Discover how to improve your Shalom Bait, your emotional well-being and that of those around you in this talk by R. Igal Snertz and R. Abraham L Berenstein.

Rav Igal Snertz



Rav de Kosher Therapy

Rabbi Igal Snertz, of Israeli and Chilean nationality, received his training throughout his youth in yeshivot in Israel.

He is currently Rosh Kolel and director of Efshar Letaken - Center for Torah and Midot Studies.  

Es autor del libro de halajá "Shuva Elai", del libro de hashkafá "Los 13 Principios del Judaísmo" y de los libros de musar "El Código Judío de la Felicidad" (originalmente publicado en hebreo como “Najat Ruaj”), "Un pequeño libro para un Gran Matrimonio", y "Meat min Haor".