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Anniversary Event

The importance of a healthy mind


Thank you very much. Emm first to thank, eh? To Rav Asher Weiss to Daniel and Vivi Schindlower Thank you. And well, everything you told me I felt the same. Now that I met you, you really reflected me the same humility, affection to see for the other to this very special platform that is Kosher Therapy. 

And to all of you for being here listening to me as always, I really want to tell you that it is a pleasure and I hope that my words reach your heart, and well, really what I have to say is only from my heart. Because when we talk about these issues, it is what we are living, it is our day to day life. It is our world. It's our life and the people around us. And we are really living in a world as we all know it is very difficult, full of blessings from God. I am not going to take away all the Berachot of Hashem and even the difficult things are still Brachah of Hashem but it does not mean that they are not very difficult. 

I really hear cases and cases of people who are not having a good time, who have Shalom Bait problems, Jinuch problems with their children, emotional problems, depression, eating problems, addictions, so many things that are going on and it is really a canyon, because it is not something that the person is really to blame, as I repeat again. We are living in a time when everything we have around us is bombarded and bombarded with information, negative things, things that make us have a terrible social pressure of images or movies that make us imagine that marriage is something else when it really does not work that way. of wanting to be like the model, of wanting to see the pop stars and wanting to be like them, even though they live in a world of drugs and emptiness. And so much of what we see, that is, in the history of mankind there have never been so many images and so many messages that reach the brain of the person. How many things do we put in our heads every day? How much social pressure is there, how much? How much emptiness really exists? It is a mental pollution If we think that the world is polluted , nature we have to know that much more with also nothing is our head is a reality and Hashem put us in this world , in this time to live this because he trusts us because somehow is what we have to come to repair . It is not easy at all. He put us a difficult test in every era of life was putting tests. Before, we were persecuted to do his will. Now we have to live with this world full of madness, of technology, of information, of depression, of emptiness, that we have to fight and fight every day with this world that is for real. In Mexico, I don't know if it is true in other places, but we say that it's a real world. That is, it is crazy, crazy but totally and absolutely managed by Hashem. There is no Random. There is nothing that Hashem is not handling and it is not exactly the test that He wants to put on us, to put Boré Olam in our life.  

But also our holy Torah teaches us the importance of having mental health, but not only that. I think we all know that having peace and mental health is the foundation for our day. It is the basis for our success, it is the basis to overcome ourselves. It is the basis to achieve things that we never imagined to achieve a healthy mind, a happy mind is the main tool to do God's will a depressed person, a person with low self-esteem a person in addictions is very difficult to carry his day.  

Es muy difícil rezarle a Hashem. Es muy difícil salir de eso. Por eso es tan importante tener salud mental porque es la base de todo y nuestra en Neshamá pide esa salud y esa paz mental la pide a gritos . Si nosotros vemos a una persona que que a un niño que tienen problemas de conducta. Nosotros estamos viendo la punta del iceberg, nosotros estamos viendo nada. Nos falta encontrar todas la raíz de donde vienen estos problemas que está teniendo el niño que está pasando por su mente , que está absorbiendo , que está viendo que está viviendo lo mismo con los adultos . Si vemos una persona que tiene problemas alimenticios, que está escuchando, que está viendo, Aunque cuál es su su meta en la vida, a que aspira? La Neshamá llama nuestra alma. Pide a gritos, salud mental, salud mental y realmente es lo que nos vende todo el, toda la vida. nos vende tranquilidad mental. Vas a tener... Ahora ya sacaron la la Thermomix la máquina que metes todo y a ella solita le pones pi , pi , pi , pi pi y te hacen la comida  y ya sacaron a la lavadora que la dejas allí en la lavadora y después se hace secadora y... Y realmente tenemos todo en nuestras manos y es la generación en la cual estamos más enredados , en la cual tenemos menos tiempo en la cual nos estamos volviendo locas teniendo todo a la mano  En las épocas pasadas las señoras lavaban el pollo , le quitaban las plumas  que quieren que les diga, lavaban a mano todo, secaban, tendían hacian su pan , hacian su queso, hacían su Todo hacían su todo y vivían una vida más tranquila. Nos tocó esta baruj Hashem porque estamos cumpliendo la voluntad de Dios, pero tenemos así como nos tocó de difícil. Así tenemos que luchar por tener esa salud mental para poder servir a Hashem de una manera bonita, de una manera agradable. Tenemos que hacer nuestro esfuerzo. No es nada más decir así me tocó vivir, esta es mi época, no,no nono estas tu época y viniste a luchar por ella. 

This is your time and you came to fight for your children to bring them up. The jinuj is great, the education of the children is very great. I always say it is the hardest job there is, the most rewarding, but the most difficult. But we can do it and Hashem sends us the tools. Hashem sends us the tools to achieve them. He sends us a Torah, which has different indications and different tips. I want Hashem to give me tips, that is, the one who created me, the one who created my children. The one who knows all the situations, the one who created all this world we are living in, may he help me, may he give me tips. Well, dear friends, the Torah gives us tips on how to lead our lives. We have a spectacular tool which are the therapies. They are the therapies that help us to get to that part that we do not even know about ourselves. We did not know they existed and maybe it is the basis of the problem that we are having, but I want to tell you something very important Therapy does not go alone. I repeat, it is crazy, we have nothing. We don't have to put in the washing machine, we don't have to put in the dryer, we have mail, we have this one car, that takes us there and brings us back. We have all of them and we have less time for our children. We have less time to listen. We have less time for our husbands and it clashes with the person. And if Hashem sent us to this world that we think or we use our time in other things He also sent us to fight with that, and to give them more time, because the therapy does not serve alone.  

Therapy is very useful, but I believe that there is no more important therapy than having dear people by our side who listen to us, who love us, who appreciate us, who give us a smile. And then, together with the people who need therapy, not everybody needs therapy, either. But there are a lot of people are going to say are a lot of people are going to say how can it be in the years before No one has therapy. And all that we say well, so adults tell us, not as it can be now already for everything they send you for therapy dear adults. Well, I am also an adult, but dear older adults with all the respect in the world, in the time you lived in, you did not need so many therapies because you did not have to live in this difficult time that we are living and that our children are living in this time full of information, of bad information, of mental contamination, of bad, bad examples of bombing in our heads, and of a pandemic of a pandemic that continues to date, leaving after-effects. 

You think it was easy for people to be locked up. Children, children locked up, I can tell you that here in Panama we were It's crazy, because I think it was the only country that was handled this way. I was locked up with my children for seven months. Listen to what I am telling you for all the people who are not from Panama, those from Panama will understand me perfectly. Seven months we were not allowed to go out, neither downstairs nor to the social area of my building. They left us women. We had three days a week and men where this week was for sex, interspersed and according to our ID number we had two hours a day for the supermarket because the only thing that was open, was super pharmacy and hospital My children were locked up and then because I went to Israel, I escaped from here a few months, but my children were locked up Six children were locked up for seven months in the house without going out or downstairs and I am telling my case Each one will have their own story of the pandemic. But dear all, we are living in a time when many people say therapy and nothing happens. Therapy is a tool that Hashem gave us , terpaia is something we have inside Hashem sends therapists as envoys to help us get through to get out that which is affecting us It is a medicine Someone has been against . Does anyone have reflux? I don't know to say. I'm not going to take omeprazole if my life you're going to take omeprazole because you have reflux.  

Dear friends . There are children and adults who urgently need therapy. They need like medicine. Sometimes children. They scold them at school, they scold them at home, they can't pay attention and they don't realize it. Parents that is like scolding a child who needs glasses, and can't see and you tell him why can't you see? because I need glasses. Many people need therapy and it is a medicine, but how delicate and important it is to see with whom I am going to get therapy? Who is going to take care of me? Who is going to take care of my children? Who is going to be that person that is going to get into my children's head or my head or my marriage? Who is going to get in? What is the line of that person who is going to direct us? Who is that person? It has to be a special person, a person that I trust, a person that I know has the necessary tools and that is why I can tell you that when I was introduced to the Kosher Therapy program, I said that it is rich for a person who needs therapy to have a person who is endorsed by Rabanim, who is, who has all his professional side, but in the line of the Torah, in the line of Boré Olam, because at the end of the day the one who commands the salvation of this and everything is Hashem, right?  

Yo me siento super privilegiada de que me han puesto en este podio. A hablar de una plataforma tan importante , tan necesaria en nuestra vida , tan necesaria y que sea una plataforma tan especial que está avalada y te sientes tranquila . La persona se siente tranquila. Tienen Terapia para problemas de ansiedad , de depresión , de trastornos alimenticios ,  de problemas de Shalom Bait osea terapias de pareja , Terapia Familiar , terapia de violencia intrafamiliar ,  tantas cosas y tantos casos que me entero que yo sé cuanto se necesita esto Así que queridas amigas , que Boré Olam , nos mande , salud al cien por ciento salud física , salud mental que nos mande la llegada del mashiaj Todas estamos estresadas y con esa sensación de dolor por lo que está pasando en Ucrania  de que nos podemos quejar y eso se los dejo común entre paréntesis a la gente , que es que es que está pasando para una depresión o que le cuesta trabajo ver las cosas bonitas de la vida . Les quiero dejar este entre paréntesis, que viendo la situación de Ucrania, de que nos podemos quejar. Somos tan bendecidas. Gracias Hashem por todo La terapia es una medicina, una medicina espectacular. Y si lo hacemos en el camino de Boré Olam. Estoy segura que nos van a ayudar a transformar nuestras mentes en mente sanas y la de nuestros hijos  En Mentes activas para que Be ezrat Hashem usemos esta cabecita , que nos Hashem y esta mente y esta inteligencia  que la usemos para servirlo , para hacer cosas bonitas , para estar felices porque una persona feliz una persona alegre es la persona que Hashem . Quiere, la persona que Hashem adminra y la persona que Hashem dice "A esa de esa persona Esa persona que ve las bondades de Boré Olam de ella Voy a escuchar sus tefilot y todos lo podemos lograr. Pero sí es una época que muchos, muchos, necesitan ayuda para lograrlo. Así que les deseo toda la hatzlajá del mundo que no tengan casos, porque por porque